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  • Aug
    Tobe Brockner

    How to Start Your Own Cigar Club: 6 Tips To Help You Get Started

    In this post, we want to share some tips on how to start your own cigar club.

    Whether you're a long established cigar smoker or have just had your first cigar and want to learn more, starting a local cigar club could be just the thing to advance your passion in this hobby. Not only will a local club provide you and your friends with a weekly respite from work and family, it'll give you all a chance to share information and try out new cigars you might not otherwise be able to find. The details of starting a fun and successful club can be a hassle and turn an exciting hobby into a boring chore. Here are the top 6 tips to help you start a successful cigar club, so you can enjoy your cigars without the headaches of management.

    #1 Location, Location, Location!

    Just as in real estate, starting a cigar club depends on location. You'll want to pick a spot that's central to all of your members, guests, and of course yourself. Finding a place to smoke can be as simple as having everyone come to your house or if you want to go bigger you can rent out a local tavern or hall. With modern smoking regulations in commercial buildings, it may be easier for many to simply use a residential home as their meeting spot. Even if you don't have a fully stocked man cave, meeting in a garage with some chairs is just as good and will get you to the purpose of the club which is enjoying cigars.start_your_own_cigar_club

    Aside from picking a place where smoking is acceptable, you'll want to look into other amenities such as comfortable seating, tables, and a TV or other forms of entertainment. Moving your club outdoors is a great way to get a change of scenery and get everyone out and moving. Golf courses or other outdoor activities are a great place for cigar clubs to meet as you already have an activity provided. Another solid option is to rotate your club's meeting through a set of member houses. This helps divide up the responsibilities of hosting amongst your members.

    #2 Cigar Selection

    With your location decided, now you just need to pick out some cigars. Cigar selection is widely subjective to the smoker and many will have different tastes be it a heavy Robusto, the popular Churchill, or something lighter. One huge advantage of clubs is that you can try them all and change it up each time you meet.

    You can decide with your friends if you want everyone to bring their own cigars and share or just have people chip in money and someone can stock up for the group. Buying in bulk will save you all money and if you find the group starts to settle on a few select cigars, you'll be able to buy more as a team. If your collection starts to grow, you can even invest in a group humidor where everyone can store their sticks for the next meeting.

    #3 Drinks?

    Drinks, snacks, and alcohol are all fine additions to a cigar club, but you should decide ahead of time which you'll be providing or allowing. Some clubs may want to keep things simple and stick to cigars. Others may want to go the whole nine yards with food and drinks each meeting. Talk to your friends and members to decide what everyone wants to do and who will cover which duties. Many prefer to smoke a cigar with scotch or a similar liquor as the combination of flavors is quite unique.

    #4 Games & Activities

    Now that you've got your location, cigars, and snacks sorted, you can look into entertainment options. Sometimes the simplest and easiest thing to do is flip on the TV for some background noise. Since you're meeting with friends, you can find out what other interests the group has and even plan games or other things you can do while enjoying your cigar. Card and table games are always popular, but pool and darts are also great additions. If your club really wants to stay active, you can try meeting for golf, fishing, or even at shooting ranges for more active meetings.

    #5 Fun While Learning

    Cigars have a long and rich history with hundreds, possibly thousands, of different types of cigars. Learning about different flavors, styles, and the history of each stick can be a long and fruitful endeavor. Making learning a part of your club could make your meetings that much more interesting. Have members look into the history of the sticks they're bringing or even organize more experienced cigar shop owners or aficionados give presentations on various cigar related topics. Learning about cigar growing, harvesting, and rolling techniques are all interesting topics that will make sure your club can explain the details to anyone who asks.

    #6 Invitations & Membership

    The last thing to consider when starting a cigar club is who to invite. Many will find that simply sticking to close friends and family will be the easiest route. If you eventually want to grow your club into a larger group, you can post ads or notifications on popular cigar related web forums and chat groups. Inviting outside members can be a nice addition to your club as it will give you and your friends a chance to meet new people who are interested in the same hobby. New members will also give you a chance to try out new styles of cigars and bring new info to your group.

    Regardless of if you've been smoking cigars for years or have never had a cigar in your life, starting a cigar club can be done by all. A cigar club can provide you and your friends with a comfortable location, wide selection and cheaper prices for cigars, and a fun meeting place to talk about cigars with likeminded individuals. Consider these tips and you may find that starting a club is the best thing you've done.

  • Famous Smoke Shop

  • Gotham Cigars

  • Tobe Brockner

    I’m Tobe and am the managing editor here at Cigars & Whiskey Life. I love nothing more than firing up a great cigar and pouring myself some bourbon. I live just outside of Boise, Idaho with my family.

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