The 1875 line of Romeo Y Julieta cigars, which originated in Cuba in the year 1875, is a standard-bearer of the long-time brand, and is still produced today in the traditions of the uncompromising tobacconists of yesteryear. Masterfully constructed of classic Dominican grown tobaccos, and surrounded by Indonesian wrappers to provide an ever so slight but aromatic hint of sweetness, the 1875 can be counted on for a balanced smoke. Subtle undertones of oak combined with vanilla and coffee bean give a smooth finish to this ever-popular cigar in the Romeo Y Julieta line-up.
Though not a particularly lengthy smoke (time will typically range about 20-25 minutes or less), the expert construction results in an easy draw with a consistent burn, and a very manageable white ash.
Although many wealthy and famous have preferred the Romeo Y Julieta 1875 through the years (see Winston Churchill, an avid 1875 smoker), this remains a reasonably priced cigar, a tribute to the quality / value ratio delivered by the folks at RYJ.
Overall, a well-constructed and sensibly priced stick made by people with a time-honored respect for their craft, the 1875 is a medium-bodied smoke that will suit well the tastes of a broad range of enthusiasts of fine cigars.
Cigar prices will vary across different retailers. Below are some of our favorite online stores that have competitive pricing...
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