The smaller sized El Ray del Mundo Café Noir, meaning "King of the World," packs an incredible amount of flavor into its 4.5x35 size.This cigar has been featured in the industry since before the Cuban Revolution in 1882. Developed by Antonio Allones, The El Ray del Mundo is celebrated as one of the best quality cigars on the market. Known for the dark oily wrappers, this cigar was one of the most expensive Havana's in the 20th century. Most of the El Ray del Mundo cigars are produced in the same factory as notable brands as Hoya de Monterrey.
This medium bodied cigar is loaded with the finest blends of Honduran filler and is wrapped in the Connecticut Broadleaf. The Café Noir is known for the intense spice blended perfectly with earthy hints of cedar, pepper and sweet chocolaty cocoa. As the cigar burns, notes of nutmeg and baking spices appear and transition into cocoa, then with slight suggestions of leather. The initial heat is reintroduced at the end of the cigar rounding out the taste profile. The white ash contrasts the beautiful dark wrappers making it aesthetically pleasing from beginning to end. The spicy gems pair well with creamy desserts and sweet liqueurs.
This cigar is perfect for any and all occasions and fits well with any enthusiasts' collection. The smaller size enables this cigar to be enjoyed in a timely manner, perfect for lunch breaks, or for enjoyment in a time crunch. These little guys boast the same full bodied flavor as their larger predecessors, and stand up to the negative assumptions revolving around smaller cigars. Some have claimed to have had issues getting the perfect draw, but that has not deterred them from continued loyalty to the Café Noir. Like any handmade product, there will be imperfections, but that comes with the territory. These delicious black as coal beauties come in a gorgeous box of 24.[/vc_column_text]
Cigar prices will vary across different retailers. Below are some of our favorite online stores that have competitive pricing...
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