Blended by Ernesto Perez Carillo and handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, the Charlemagne from La Gloria Cubana is a rich, robust blend of premium tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The medium-bodied cigar is smooth, flavorful, and highly consistent for a handcrafted cigar.Starting from the outside, the Charlemagne is covered in a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The Ecuadorian broadleaf is a dark, chocolate color, and the flavors of the wrapper blend wonderfully with the filler. The light, creamy texture of the leaf provides a smooth, steady draw that rarely needs touch-ups.
Moving inward, the filler is a flavorful blend of extra-aged long fillers from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, which pair to create a smooth, medium bodied smoke. The combination of the two tobaccos provides a complex blend of spice, leather, and espresso.
Coming in at 7.25 inches long with a 54 ring size, the Charlemagne is a large stick that can be enjoyed for quite a long time. Smoked slowly it lasts upwards of an hour and a half.
The big, dark cigar is not as strong or overpowering as the color may suggest. Instead the cigar has a mild to medium body and a pleasant taste. Noted for its smooth, complex flavors, the Charlemagne has a robust, espresso-like profile with hints of peppery spice and chocolate. The flavor pairs well with a nice Shiraz, or a mug of strong Cuban coffee.
For such an affordable cigar, the Charlemagne delivers a balanced and unmistakable flavor. Because of its full, complex flavor and consistency, the Charlemagne is a favorite among many cigar enthusiasts.
One such aficionado has been smoking cigars since the 1970's. His taste, refined by the years, is partial to old style Cuban Cigars. And while traveling to Cuba may not be in the cards for many, the Charlemagne is his personal favorite cigar and is the closest thing to the style he smoked in the 70's.
Overall a fantastic cigar, the Charlemagne is a robust, affordable cigar with a smooth draw and complex flavor that is sure to be a favorite of many.
Cigar prices will vary across different retailers. Below are some of our favorite online stores that have competitive pricing...
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