This medium-bodied cigar, robust yet dignified in its presentation, is a Tampa sun-kissed tour down the hallway of time to the 20th century. This classic blend is known for having been the talk of the town around the land in the early 1900s, and now, Alec Bradley has brought it back to the present in a sensibly decorated time capsule.
This 5 x50 parejo gem of the American Classic Robusto Connecticut collection comes in a package of 20. It is available in either mild or medium strength variation, both of which spoken highly of as very nice options for when you feel like enjoying a light cigar in the morning.
Coupled with Condega longfilters, the Nicaraguan Esteli filling out this cigar's Honduran Connecticut seed wrapper is thoroughly aged for the occasion.Cigar aficionados who appreciate a complex blend of smoothness and sweetness in their smoke will be well-served by what American Classic has to offer.
The smartly balanced hit of cream to the cigar's flavor is given even more character with a light bit of nuttiness to punctuate the aftertaste. The medley of cream, nuts and seeds that dance on the tongue when smoking the American Classic are like soft blanket around the bold Nicaraguan filler's strength.
For all of the aristocratic attitude that it exudes, the American Classic is not a cigar that costs a fortune to enjoy. At just around $100 for a box of 20, this cigar is accommodatingly affordable to cigar lovers on a budget. The cigar doesn't sacrifice a single atom of satisfaction for its satisfyingly affordable pricing, so there's no need to worry about the lower cost indicating low quality.
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